Saturday, June 10, 2006

My Holds List: Without Rhyme But With Reason

The Wolves of Willoughby Chase by Joan Aiken Every now and then I like to revisit a childhood favorite. I haven't read this since I was in about 5th grade, and at the time saw it as "real" and a great Gothic adventure. I didn't realize it was an alternate 18th century.

War for the Oaks by Emma Bull . I was reading the short story collection Faery Reel and noted that one of the authors said this was a favorite. Did I mark down which author? Nope.

The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale. I just finished Hale's The Princess Academy and loved it, which means I will now OD on her books. But confession: as I was cleaning out a closet I found my own copy of The Goose Girl which I bought and forgot about it. (Yes, I do have that many books.) So this will go off my hold list and my copy onto the To Be Read pile.

A Princess of Roumania by Paul Park. This title and cover intrigued me when it came out last year, but I forgot about it until I saw it on someones summer reading list and went, hey, I wanted to read it.

Howl's Moving Castle (DVD). I never read the book; but the movie, despite being way different from the book, got great reviews. I should put the book on hold.

It Runs In The Family (DVD) I like Michael & Kirk Douglas.

Jeremiah. The complete first season, Disc 1. I don't get Showtime so couldn't watch it on TV, but I like Luke Perry and can't resist any story that's about people surviving after the world as we know it is destroyed.

Junebug (DVD). Working my way thru nominated Oscar films (this was nominated, right?)

Labyrinth (DVD). David Bowie!!!

March of the Penguins (DVD). See Junebug.

Mimus by Lilli Thal. One of the discussion books for Adbooks.


Blogger Little Willow said...

Since you like Wolves, you have to read The Myth Hunters by Christopher Golden, and I can't say more or I'd spoil things.

Yay new blog!

12:31 AM  
Blogger Michele said...

I'll be very interest to know what you think of Howl's Moving Castle since the book and film are quite different from one another !

3:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just re-read Wolves a couple of months ago, after not having read it in many years. I thought that it held up well. I also have Goose Girl on my "to read" pile. And I've never read Howl's Moving Castle, but I need to add it to my list, now that Sophie is on the Cool Girls list.

Good luck with the new blog. I keep my to read lists on a separate website, but I don't take the time to annotate them very much. I think that this will be very interesting.

1:11 AM  
Blogger Liz B said...

Willow, I'll look that one up. I still have his & Amber's Ghosts of Albion unread (maybe that will finally happen this weekend.)

Michele, I'll be sure to post a review, even if its short.

Jen, I think this will be an interesting experiment if nothing else -- I'm also interested in how it will turn out.

8:03 PM  
Blogger Little Willow said...

Oh, you have to read Accursed, since Witchery is coming out this fall.

12:50 AM  

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